Are you looking for something fun & unique to make for DAD? Well let me help! I picked up a plane white plate from the dollar store for a $1.00 & a pack of Sharpie markers from Walmart for $3.97. I cleaned the plate first & then traced out my older sons hand & let him color it in how he wanted. Next I did my younger sons hand & helped him color it in so that he wouldn't smear into his brothers hand. If you do make a mistake you can use a little hairspray on a napkin or Q-Tip (depending on size of mistake) & wipe off. Also we did yellow & red together & yellow didn't come out very btight, but my youngest still LOVED it!I then wrote the words/numbers on myself. I put my oven on bake to 350 (I put plate in while oven was pre-heating) & put the plate on a cookie sheet & cooked for 30 min.. Once it was done cooking I turned off the oven & let cool down for 1 hr. FYI: DO NOT PUT IN THE DISHWASHER, WASH BY HAND ONLY!
I have so many other ideas/projects now that I want to do! This would be fun to do for a kids b-day party, camp, grandparent gifts, teacher apprecation gift, Christmas, ect.! You could do this on mugs & small tiles for coatsers!
Now we just gotta add dads favorite cookies!